Old Mines Area Historical Society

The Old Mines Area Historical Society, Inc. (OMAHS) is a not-for-profit organization founded in the fall of 1977. Its purpose is the preservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage of the early French in North America, mainly throughout the Mississippi Valley corridor.


Our address is:
Old Mines Area Historical Society, Inc.
19065 N State Highway 21
Old Mines, MO 63630 Top of page

La Fete de L'automne
October 2009  - -   Free Admission - Free Parking

Directions: south from St. Louis - Hwy 21 South, go past North Entrance of Washington State Park to Hwy CC, then turn left

Directions: north from Potosi - Hwy 21 North, turn right onto Hwy CC.

The Diggin's

The Diggin's is published quarterly by the Old Mines Area Historical Society, Inc. Our members receive this periodical as part of their membership.

This page was last updated 05 December 2008. For comments or suggestions regarding the page,
Cindy Merx or Larry G. Flesher
who maintain the page on behalf of the society.