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1876 Edwards Brothers

County Atlas Maps

The enterprise now being prosecuted in our county by Messrs. Edwards Brothers, with an able corps of co-laborers, is one well deserving of success. A map… of the kind they propose, will be one of great advantage and convenience to every citizen of the county, as it gives in detail a history of the county from its earliest settlement up to the present time. Plats of each town and township in the county – maps of the State, united States and World, embellished by beautiful lithographic views of public buildings and private residences, which combine with other useful and instructive matter to make a valuable compendium of the wealth and prosperity of the county. Surely no more laudable enterprise has ever been undertaken in our county, and we bespeak for these gentlemen engaged in the enterprise a liberal and just recognition…

We will refer our readers to the following, which we clip from the Paris Mercury: We have just been shown a copy of the Edwards Bros illustrated map of Monroe county, and after careful inspection of the same, we must say that we are delighted with the entire work. It reflects no little credit on the publishers. It is handsomely bound, neatly executed throughout, and accurate in details. Its pages are devoted to a municipal township map of the county, county history, town plats, farm views, maps showing the subdivisions of the county into farms with the owner’s names printed on each track, and many other things of interest. 

We cannot make a pen picture of the work conveying an adequate idea of what it is. It will certainly supply a want long felt by the citizens of this county. The maps are now ready for distribution, and we hope that all those who have subscribed for the work, will be ready to receive it.

Source: Page 3 of the Liberty Weekly Tribune dated 03 Nov 1876 at