Family Items of Interest
From Macon Republican Newspaper
dated: Friday, 5 Jan 1894

Donated by: Sandra Stanton

Southeast Bevier [a column]

Dances and parties are all the go.

Grandma Miller is not expected to live.

The dance at Jeff Lear's proved a failure.

C.G. Buster returned to Atlanta, Saturday.

C.G. Buster visited friends in Callao, Thursday and Friday.

James Banta and David Jones are clearing for Will Shearon.

All report a nice time and a good supper at Mr. Long's, Monday night.

Several from this vicinity attended the party at Bright Gilstrap's Monday night.

Misses Helen and Janie Buchanan visited Mrs. Chas. Buster, one day last week.

Died at his home, Dec. 28th, T.G. Cooley, aged 83 years, 10 months, and 27 days. He was born in Waynne Co., KY, Feb. 1, 1810. Uncle Tink (as he was usually called) was one of the oldest setters of Macon County. He leaves a wife, six sons, a daughter, and a host of friends to mourn their loss. Burial took place Dec. 29th, at the Banta cemetery.


We are having fine weather and good roads at present.

G.T. and R.R. Lunday, with their families, attended services at the Christian church here, Sunday.

James Wisdom, of near Bynumville, is teaching a singing class at the Christian church, which is well attended.

Sam Wormouth was seen riding up and down the road this week again guess its a spring in the hog market again.

C. Bochm, our rustling merchant has been havind a rushing trade in poultry during holidays and for some time.

The Christmas tree at the Presbyterian church Christmas evening was well attended and everyone seemed to enjoyed themselves.

Rev. Mayhew, of Callao, has been conducting a few day meeting at the Christian church with very good success, having two additions on New Year's day.

Louis Shelton and wife, lately from Oklahoma, but formerly of this place, took dinner at Uncle James Corey's sunday, they seem to think there is no place like old Missouri.

Wm. Shumaker, our boss carpenter, is making preparations to run a wood work shop in connection with his blacksmith shop, which will be an improvement and something very much needed.


The gripe has run its course in this community.

Henry Driver, who has been sick for some time, is now convalescing.

John Muff and wife were visitors, Sunday at his brothers' Conrad Muff.

There will be a public sale at the Elsea homestead next Saturday, Jan. 6th.

Aleck Sandburg is clearing some brush land preparatory to breaking in the spring.

J.M.Epperson and wife ate Christmas turkey with her relatives in Macon, last week.

P.B. Wright and wife, of St. Jo., were guest of W.E. Floyd, during the holidays.

Mrs. Mat Richardson, of Shelby Co., is a visitor at her aunt's Mrs. Mary Elsea.

Miss Lena Blomburg, who has been visiting in Illinois for three months returned home, Monday.

Misses Emma Thompson, Hattie Conklin and Ila V. Elsea, after a weeks vacation, resumed their schools, Monday.

Dr. John T. Atterberry and I.N. Atterberry of Madison, were up to attend the funeral of their uncle, Judge Atterberry, Monday.

W.B. Elsea and family and Luther Hatler, wife and daughter were at the anniverary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Goodding, Sunday.

Died, December 14, 1894 [my note: has to be 1893 as this paper is dated 5 Jan. 1894], at his home in Eagle township, Charles M. Elsea, in the 21st year of his age. He leaves a heart broken mother, two brothers and a sister to mourn their loss. Charley was an exemplary young man and beloved by all who knew him, having professed his faith in Christ three years before his death. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J.E. Norville, of LaPlata.


Frank Williamson left, Wednesday, for Arkansas.

Mrs. Phil. Atterberry is reported ill at this writing.

E.O. Snow made Macon a business trip, Tuesday.

Mrs. Thos. Atterberry went to Macon, last Thursday.

Mrs. J.M. Powell, of LaPlata, is visiting friends here.

Miss Norma Ayers, of LaPlata, is the guest of Miss Georgia Moody.

Geo. Ayers, of LaPlata, spent Sunday, with James Moody and family.

Miss Mary Atterberry went to Lawson, Wednesday, to visit friends.

Mr. Powell and wife after a pleasant visit with friends and relatives, left, Saturday, for their home in Anthony, Kas.

Charlie Hardin was in town, Tuesday, looking after the interest of the Wabash railroad company, in regard to the damage done to H.I. Johnson's team, last summer.

Miss Fannie Atterberry entertained a few of her friends at her home New Year night. The evening was spent in games, music and social conversation. Those present were: Misses Sallie Williamson, Grace Sinclair, Lee Kimmell, Ella Grey, Della Shain, Norma Ayers, Stella Moody and Ada Huffman. Messrs. C.G. Buster, Bud Farmer, Rans Gilbreath, Thomas Tate, B.H. Ross and W.J. Dearing.

Ernie Miles- - - - last updated Thursday, 17-Apr-2008 18:01:02 MDT.