From the front page of the Bevier Appeal
dated 9 August 1901

Donated by: Sandra Stanton

Death of Mrs. John C. Skinner
Died, Tuesday morning, August 6, 1901, at 12:30 o'clock, at her home in this city, Mrs. Nancy Skinner, wife of John C. Skinner, aged 77 years and 11 months. Mrs. Skinner was an estimable lady and was widely known in Bevier and vicinity, having resided here for about thirty-three years. She was born in North Carolina in September 1823. She came to Missouri with her parents when about 12 years old and was united in marriage to Mr. John C. Skinner in Randolph county, December 3, 1848, and they moved to Bevier in November 1868, and since that date had continuously lived here. Four children were born of their union, two sons and two daughters. Both daughters died a number of years ago, but the two sons survive her-Rev. W.R. Skinner of Macon, and Eli Skinner of Clarence. She was converted while very young and was baptized by Rev. Wm. Duncan of Howard county, and united with the Baptist church at Huntsville. She united with the Second Baptist church of Bevier, at the time of its organization and remained a faithful member of that body to the close of her life. She had been an invalid for about thirty years, and suffered many long and severe attacks of sickness during that period. Her last illness began about two months ago, and she passed away at the time given above. To the bereaved husband, who through this visitation has lost a devoted partner in the joys and sorrows of nearly fifty-three years, and to the sons and other relatives is extended the sympathy of all.
The funeral took place Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The remains were conveyed to the Christian church where the services were conducted by Rev. A.M Parish of Ardmore, who also officiated at the grave in the Bevier cemetery. The pall-bearers were: W.A. Clymans, G.G. Watts, George Schonk, W.N. Rogers, J.W. Whittaker, W.R. Tubbs.
The relatives presents at the funeral in addition to those residing in this city were: Rev.W.R. Skinner, wife and children, Macon, and Eli Skinner and wife of Clarence.

Mrs. Sally Brammer of Callao, is here this week the guest of Mrs. __. D. Thomas, jr., and family.

Misses Missie Hanley and Mary Phillips of Macon, have been here this week the guests of their aunt Mrs. James Layden, sr.

Quite a crowd of young folks took their suppers and enjoyed a pleasant outing at the water works near Macon Monday evening.

Mrs. Isaac Bath, of Galesburg, Ill., who was called here a few weeks ago on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Martha Griffiths, has returned to her home.

Mrs. Hapgood of Butte, Montana, who had been here for a couple of weeks enjoying a visit with Mrs. Levi James and family, left Sunday morning to visit relatives again at Marceline.


In Real Estate, for Sale by C.C. Barge
As I contemplate leaving Bevier and want to dispose of all my property here. I will sell all of Lots 13-14-19-20-21 and 22 in Block 2. Also all of Lots 10-11-12-23-24-25-26-27-29-31 and 32 in Block 3, comprising in all of 17 town lots, having on same six modern frame dwellings, nice size to rent, with plenty of water, shade and outbuildings. All in Burge's addition to Bevier, Mo. Will close out for the sum of $1,500 CASH. A first-class investment to anyone wanting to buy town property.

Joseph Forge, who had been out in Colorado for several weeks, returned home Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Mary Questia of Brookfield, came here Saturday, and is a guest at the home of David J. Thomas and wife.

Dr. J.G. Rafter of St. Louis, who is at present employed in Deal's drugstore in Macon, and Miss Jennie Dessert of that place, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Watson Sunday.

C.G. Thurston, manager of the Northwestern store, left last Friday night for a month's stay in the East. He will visit his mother at Morris, N.Y., the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, and other places of interest while away.

Mrs. John Jones and little son, Johnny, of Spring Valley, Ill., arrived here Saturday and is the guest of her parents, John _. Morgan and wife and other relatives. Mrs. Jones resided in Bevier a number of years ago and her many friends here are highly pleased to meet her once more. She accompanied by her mother, made the APPEAL a pleasant call Tuesday, and we learn from her that M.A.Davis (Athrlywyn) and wife are still at Spring Valley, but still retain pleasant memories of Bevier and its people. Their son, Iithel, is a young man of exceptional talent and ability and has recently accepted a position as professor of one of the departments in a prominent college. Mrs. Jones will probably remain here about a month.

The annual picnic of the Christian Sunday school was held yesterday in Walton's Grove west of Bevier. The members of the Sunday school were taken to the grounds in conveyances and the day was pleasantly spent by all. A number of visitors were also present. Dinner and supper were served on the ground.

Curtis Fant- - - - last updated Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 08:27:38 MST.