Grundy County, MO Cemetery

Fulkerson Cemetery, Grundy County, MO

This cemetery is in Taylor Township; S32-T62N-R25W, a tiny, family burial place which had long been forgotten in 1964. The farm on which it is located, now (1964) owned by Howard Terhune, was owned in 1840 by Benjamin F. FULKERSON. When Mr. Terhune chose a building site for his new home, he unexpectedly dug into a lost cemetery, which would be in his front yard when the home was completed. The cemetery was recorded in 1964 by Mr. Delbert Hesler, who found several native rocks, possibly markers to early graves, and one with crudely scratched writing:

These cemetery records will no longer be updated effective December 2016.
For more updates, please refer to the companion cemetery records:

FULKERSON Elizabeth C. 1842 1847 d/o Benjamin Franklin & Mary Jane (EWING) FULKERSON.

The top of the sandstone tablet, measuring about 14" x 16" is chipped off where the first part of the date is inscribed. only the year is left. Birdsall Grundy County History, 1881, reads (pp 658): "1841".

The history also reads: "Few were they who journeyed to that far away "bourne from whence no traveler returns" in the early days of Taylor Township. It was when the harsh winds of winter blew rough and cold that little Elizabeth, the sweet five-year-old d/o Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. FULKERSON, breathed her last and her soul winged its flight to the realms where angels live. On the Fulkerson farm, there stands today a small enclosure, the fencing stained and mildewed with time, and within is a tiny grave, all overgrown with tangled undergrowth, and here sleeps the remains of little Elizabeth. A tablet of sandstone, cold and gray, marks the spot, and in letters rudely scratched thereon, is: ELIZABETH FULKERSON, MARCH 19-1841

That is all. The child's slight grave no daisies deck, but there, the wild weed makes its home. This was the first burial ground in Taylor Township. Only one other grave appears in the small enclosure."

Since the Birdsall History does not quote the exact inscription correctly, and since there are other errors in the History concerning locations and dates, we feel that the stone indeed reads "1847" instead of "1841".

This material transcribed from the written records by Larry Flesher.
Copyright © 1997-2016 Larry G. Flesher, Grundy County, MO Cemetery Records.

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This page was last updated 18 December 2016

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