News items from The Hamburg Reporter, Hamburg, Iowa - 1914-1915

(transcribed by Pat O'Dell:

Copyright © 2003 by Pat O'Dell: This data may be used for your own family research; it may not be copied in any form or used for any other purpose (commercial or otherwise).

Glenn Beall of Logan, Iowa ( bought this newspaper on E-Bay and ask me if I could use data out of it on the website. I certainly could. Many thanks to Glenn for the loan of the newspaper.
The Hamburg Reporter, Hamburg, Iowa, Friday, February 6, 1914
MARCH 6, 1914
Grant Holliman moving to the Island [Missouri] from Cawker City, Kan....
John Garrett moving to Fort Morgan, Colo....
Oscar Crandall moving to Denton, Montana....
Tracy Burkhart's moving to Great Falls, Montana....
Fred Reeves moving to Hartford, Ks....
Jim Hanley moving to Nora Springs, Tx....
Albert Breedlove's moving to Tacoma, Wa....
John Garst of Glenwood died in an Omaha hospital on Friday of last week and the funeral services were held at Methodist Episcopal church at this place on Sunday at 12 o'clock. Revs. Stone of Glenwood, Collins of Watson, and A.A. Walburn of this place having charge of the services. The deceased was born in Indiana October 3, 1840 and was 73 years of age at the time of his death. He came to Atchison county [Missouri] in 1862 and made his home there until about two years ago when he purchased a fruit farm near Glenwood. He was married in 1872 and to this union seven children were born. Interment was made in the Hamburg cemetery.
C.E. Hodge, better known as "Highpockets" was arrested Sunday on the charge of bootlegging and was fined $25 by Mayor Tiller with the understanding that he was to leave town. Before he could start the officers from Sidney picked him up. This fellow drifted in here last fall from nowhere.
Article on nest of bootleggers in names just the conditions discribed....
Mr and Mrs Ed Doll moving to Rock Port [Missouri]....
Word has been received here of the death of J.C. Randall at his home in California on Sunday. The remains are expected here Sunday and interment will be made in the Mt Zion cemetery. Mr Randall was an old settler in this county.
WATSON [Missouri]
Mr Adams and sons Guy and Floyd went to Glenwood, Ia Sunday upon receiving the word of the death of their daughter and sister....
Bud Dean of Lincoln, Neb., attempted to take his 6 year old daughter home with him...wife and children live near Watson...warrant for his arrest....
Mrs George Leekly of Arkansas City, Kan., returned to her home Monday...she was called to Red Oak by the death of her brother and stopped off for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs C.G. Fisher....
Jacob Ruedy has been in town this week visiting among his friends. He has just returned from a visit to his brother, Andrew, near Pasadena, Calif. He will go to Watson today where he will visit a few days with his brother-in-law, Justice Hall, before returning home.
Miss Jessie Henderson of Forder, Colo., arrived in Hamburg Sunday and will spend the summer with her sister, Mrs A.L. Holmes.
Virgel Garst and little son of St Louis attended the funeral of his father John Garst sr Sunday....
...born to Carl Athen's, a son, March 1...
...born to George Bryan's, a daughter, March 27....
Mrs Mary Hinze is visiting her sister Mrs J.R. Potter at Northboro....
Lloyd White's of Cedar Rapids, Neb., attended funeral of his father-in-law, John Garst....
Mr and Mrs Slocum of New York City arrived for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Jim Zuck....
Will Warnstaff returned from Folsom to live in Hamburg....
Mrs E. Leiesmiller of Rock City, Ill., visiting at home of Mr and Mrs Emil Ross....
Mrs Martha Rapp and daughters, Iva and Mary, of St Edward's Neb., visiting son and brother, John Rapp....
Mrs John Saltkill moved to Maryville, Mo. The son and daughter stayed at Mrs Press Townsend's....
MARCH 13, 1914
Marie daughter of Steve Scott wed Fred son of Fred Johnson jr at Osceola, Ia, Aug 1913....Fred teaches in the Nebraska Military school at Lincoln. He will return and farm the Steve Scott farm.
Ed Kennell of Los Angeles [Calif] visiting father....
Theodore Sanders died at his home in Omaha one day last week the cause being attributed to an injury he received in an automobile accident hear Hamburg last summer. It will be remembered that Mr Sanders and party were bound for Rock Port in his car and the condition of the road made it necessary that they drive slow. In so doing the fill over which they were passing gave way under the car and the whole party were landed in the ditch. Sanders and his son were badly injured but the son soon recovered while his father kept getting worse. Mr Sanders was engaged in the stock business and was at one time located near Rock Port.
On Tuesday four of our young men left for Montana to try their fortunes in the new country. Those making up the party were: Roy Hatten, Clifford Burkhart, Jim Crump and Jess Smith. Mr Hatten has a claim near Alton and has been spending the winter with his mother. The other boys expect to find a homestead near there and we hope to hear good news from them all. Just how they will get along with batching is hard to tell, but it is a good bet that in a month from now they will not need a pressing invitation to a meal like mother used to cook.
Mrs A.B. Noble was called to Omaha yesterday morning because of the sudden death of her father, W.M. Boyer who died after a brief sickness with throat affliction.
D.E. Calkins moved office from Kansas City back to Hamburg to be near enough to take care of his mother.
Jess E. Baker of Spokane, Wa., still enjoys reading "the Reporter."
A.E. Webb is moving to Des Moines [Iowa]....
Mr and Mrs Gus Nook have 25th anniversary....her name was Banks and parents live in Locust Grove twp.,...4 sons and 2 daughters....
Jess Powers' baby died...buried in Mt Olive cemetery....
Henry Gravencamp has purchased a new auto and is now getting onto the workings of the brute. Henry expects to use it in his work and it will save him much time in driving over the country....
C.W. Ledgerwood and wife who have been visiting the Fred Arnold home returned to St Joe [Missouri] Tuesday and will soon go to Canada where Mr Ledgerwood will work for a railroad company....
Floy Kelly's moving to Nemaha, Neb.,...
R. Milsap of Cawker City, Kan., visiting his son....
Margery Arnold visiting uncle Mr and Mrs George Colon at Council Bluffs [Iowa] and Howard Colon in Omaha [Nebraska]....
Mrs E.B. Wingate and daughter Mrs J.C. Wingate went to Papillion, Neb., Monday which is now the home of the latter....
Mr and Mrs George Bryan of Sidney came to visit son and wife and new granddaughter....
...born to Mr and Mrs Andrews at Cheney, Wash., a baby daughter March 4, 1914. Mrs Andrews will be remembered here as Miss Nellie Fisher....
Lester Doval of Palmyra, Neb., is the guest of relatives and friends....
Ralph Hadley of Stuart, Ia., arrived Friday for a visit with his uncle, C.N. Bunch and family....
Mrs M. Smith, of western Neb., arrived Friday to visit her daughter Mrs Lige Sperry....
W.H. Pursley of Los Angeles, Calif is the guest of his daughter Mrs C.N. Bunch and family....
L.J. Hilger visiting his family in Shenandoah [Iowa]....
Mr and Mrs Glenn McNall moving to Kearney, Neb.,...
Mrs W. Bartholomew and daughter of Watson visiting daughter, Mrs Don McBride and family....
Miss Ida Stevens of Shenandoah [Iowa] visiting sister Mrs Howard McKissick and mother Mrs Prall....
...born to Will Townsend's, a daughter, at Grange Hall [Missouri]....
MARCH 20, 1914
Chas Miller thinks he'll move to Ogden, Utah....
Wm Trimble wed Sallie Cummins....
Chas Reynolds of St Joseph [Missouri] visiting sister Mrs Lawrence McBride....
Mrs Powers of Scranton, Kan., making extended visit with her daughter Mrs Ed Payne....
Mrs Fred Burnham and 2 children of Leedy, Okla, visiting her mother Mrs Mary Henderson....

Last Monday night at ten thirty occurred the death of David Terryberry, aged 69 years at his home ten miles east of Hamburg. Death was caused by a complication of disorders Mr Terryberry had been in failing health for some time. Funeral services were conducted at the Locust Grove church and interment was made in the Locust Grove cemetery.

Mr Terryberry came from Kansas in the early fifties and has been a resident since then up to the time of his death. He was a man of sterling qualities and esteemed by all who knew him. At the time of his death he was the possessor of a large acreage of farming land which he acquired through hard work and good management. The community in which he lived will feel his loss keenly.

Earl Jones is in prison for kidnapping a 24 year old woman of Coin...he was sentenced without his lawyers being present or without their knowledge. Board denied parole....
Nebraska City News - Elmer LeRoy Reed and Ethel daughter of Charles Mead, both of Percival [Iowa] were married at the courthouse. They will farm near Percival....
T.O. Hern to Fayette, Mo to visit his mother and brother....
Sim Mundell and daughter, Maude, returned Tuesday from Lacon, Ill where they were called by the death of Mr Mundell's mother-in-law. This is the first trip he has made to his old home town in many years and he enjoyed very much the visit with his old chums.
Porter Stewart moving to Plattsmouth [Nebraska]....His parents, Mr and Mrs J.L. Stewart also moving there....
Mrs A.A. Walburn received a telegram yesterday that her mother, Mrs John Dawson died at her home in Iowa City [Iowa]. She was 85 years of age. She will be buried at Audubon [Iowa]...Rev and Mrs Walburn left for the latter place this morning....
Mrs Schreiver died at her home in Council Bluffs last Tuesday. The body was brought here Thursday for burial at Grange Hall [Atchison co, Missouri]. Mrs Schreiver was a sister of Mrs Dave Perry of this place and will be remembered here as Miss May Egbert....
Terry Sullivan of Dishler, Neb., bought the T.J. Vogel Jewelry store. He was born at Shenandoah [Iowa] and his wife was of Rock Port [Missouri]....
Chester Davidson, 16, fell out a second story window while at a dance at Percival [Iowa]...broke neck and died....
John Bechtel's of Denver [Colo] moving here....
Mrs David Baker's 52nd birthday....
Tom James of Sidney is visiting brother W.S. James....
Mrs D.D. Darby to Sidney visiting her parents, Mrs H. Hayes has returned home with her....
Mrs Mary Warden of Shenandoah visiting daughter Mrs Mike Brown....
...born to Clyde Lemerick's, a son, March 15, near Payne [Iowa]....
Mrs C.E. Doyle and son George visiting parents in San Antonio, Tx....
Chas Hayward moving to Hyannis, Neb.,...
Walter DeHaas formerly of Hamburg to Honolulu [Hawaii] to work for Libby Company....
Anna Noblett called to Omaha [Nebraska] by death of aunt, Mae Schriever....
John Richmond and Lafe Stanton visiting Stanton's 3 sisters in Sharon, Okla....
Frank and Ames McMullen formerly of Hamburg...have returned from Jefferson county, Kansas....
Mr and Mrs J.E. Franklin of St Louis [Missouri] visiting his parents and brother....
Pauline Travis of Modale [Iowa] visiting....
Mr and Mrs Zel Edgerton and nephew, Earl Edgerton, to Mesita, Colo., farm for the summer....
Mrs Glen McNall and mother Mrs Chas Harris to Kearney, Neb., where Glen will farm....
MARCH 27, 1914
Mrs Coolbaugh and sons of New London visiting her parents, Rev and Mrs W.L. Collins....
Mrs Wm NcNeal of Cabool, Mo., visiting....

In the death of Mrs Hannnah Hill at Tabor [Iowa] on last Thursday Fremont county has lost another one of its pioneers. With her husband she came to Tabor from Ohio in 1856 and for many years lived on a farm near Tabor.

The Hill home was noted for universal hospality [sic], not refusing shelter and aid even to the fugitive slaves before the war. In March, 1860 Deacon Hill's was a starting point for four runaway slaves that came here from the Indian Territory. Mr Hill furnished the wagon and going himself on horseback by night with others to pilot the slaves to Lewis, Ia., where other antislavery sympathizers helped them on to Canada.

George Terryberry of Vernon, Mo is moving to one of his uncle's farms....
John Nook and bride moving to earl Ramsey farm....
...born to James Mortimore's, a son, March 22....
Della daughter of William Myers of Riverton wed John Nook, March 18....
L.P. and M.L. Allen of near Farragut passed through town Saturday on their way to Pierce City, Mo., where they were called by the death of their sister, Mrs W.W. Johnson and son, death having been caused by fire. As near as can be found out the house caught on fire and the two were burned to death before they could escape from the house, their remains being found near the door. Mr Johnson met his death in the same manner about a year ago....
Mrs S.P. Cresap of Nebraska City [Nebraska] was called to St Louis Monday by the death of Mr Cresap's mother. Her death has been expected for some time and the doctor had been with his mother for a week or two. The Cresap's are well known here and their many friends extend sympathy at this sad time.
George Green has traded his farm south of town for a large ranch near Independence, Kansas....
Myrtle daughter of Henry Lloyd of Hamburg wed Albert son of Mrs Lina Garst of near Watson [Missouri] at the home of Rev Arthur Wright of Red Oak [Iowa]....
Belle daughter of Henry Lloyd wed Chalmers son of Henry Clayton at home of Rev B.F. Arthur Wright of Red Oak [Iowa].
T.A. Morgan vs Elizabeth Jennings: question of ownership piece of land....
Mawhor vs Mayhor: question of guardianship of aged Mrs Mawhor....
State vs Johnson: question did Johnson murder one Porter north of Hamburg over a years ago....
Sohn Callihan was given a thirty day fine in his booze trouble....
Jim Dimmitt in jail for drunkenness ...out on parole....
Dave Perry bootlegging discharged....
Will Tarr received parole sentence....
Ben Crump's infant died ... buried Hamburg cemetery....
Will Grassmier and Lester Motsinger of Payne visiting....
Sabe Choat is over at Auburn, Neb. this week doing time in the jury box....
U.S. Grant ate dinner in Hamburg March 23, 1868 some forty-six years ago. At this time there was a large eating house at the depot and with a party of men stopped in Hamburg long enough to get a square meal....
...born to Charles White, a daughter, March 21...
...born to Condie Burkhiser, a daughter, March 22....
Mr and Mrs Ben Bolton moved to Grange Hall [Missouri] ....
A.E. Webb moved to Des Moines [Iowa]....
Herman Fenner of Galveston visiting his father Sol Myers. Herman has been gone 4 years....[last names don't match]
Mrs S.J. Rodda visiting daughter Mrs Robert Connor at Oelwein....
Wm B Heseman moved here from Syracuse, Neb....
Eli Jones had 83rd birthday....
Miss Olive Hester of Crete, Neb., visiting sister Mrs Will Knappe....
Tilly Buhr of Watson visiting sister Mrs Fred Herman....
Mr and Mrs George Moore (the former Mrs Cook) of Ft Madison moving here....
Jess Brown, Win Prather, and Orvil Butter moving to Denton, Montana....
Mr and Mrs O.E. Crandall to Denton, Montana....
C.L. Hargrave moved back to Anamosa, Ia from the sand hills....
Mrs Ed Shuey to Jennings, Ks to see ill sister....
Mrs W.E. Mann to see sister Mrs Slack at Nebraska City [Nebraska]....
Mary and Betty Franklin of Warrensburg, Mo visiting brother Shade Franklin....
Dr A.J. Chollette and family moving to Grand Island, Neb....
Jim Bennet's daughter, Mrs Jess Sump of Coin is very ill....
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